Recipes from our Facebook Page
Every week, a new one ;-)
Starter / Main meal
 Hachis ParmentierHachis Parmentier |  Pot au feuPot au feu |  Camembert au fourCamembert au four |
 SpätzleSpätzle |  Agneau de 7hAgneau de 7h |  onion tartonion tart |
 Coq au vinCoq au vin |  PissaladièrePissaladière |  chicken Basquaisechicken Basquaise |
 Ficelle picarde Garance nzFicelle picarde |
 French Mulled Wine CakeFrench Mulled Wine Cake |  Yogurt CakeGâteau au yaourt (Yogurt Cake) |  BavaroisBavarois |
 Magic CakeMagic Cake |  crème brûléecrème brûlée |  thin apple tartletsthin apple tartlets |
 Fondant au chocolatFondant au chocolat |  Chocolate French shortbread biscuitsChocolate French shortbread biscuits |  strawberry charlottestrawberry charlotte |
 Bredele garance nzBredele garance nz |  Epiphany pieEpiphany pie |  apricot clafoutis garance nzapricot clafoutis |
 bugne garanceBugnes |  mille-feuille garanceMille-feuille vanilla raspberry |
 Baguette TraditionBaguette Tradition |  Vin Chaud (French Mulled Wine)Vin Chaud (French Mulled Wine) |
Flavours of the world
 banh chung garanceBanh chung |